Registration open until March 1st.
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The Creative Athlete: On Legs Development
Creative Motor Development & Non-Linear Learning
There is nothing that grants you more freedom of expression and unlocks greater potential for participating in all the activities you love than learning the art of moving and organizing oneself on two feet. This is a skill that we should prioritize above all other fancy abilities. The ability to move the feet, squat, jump, and coordinate the upper body in harmony with the lower body is crucial for development of a well-rounded physique.
This course is crafted out of my passion to share with you the joy and freedom I discovered since my focus shifted to developing my lower body in my practice. I wish I had known this earlier in my life, so I aim to help you discover and experience for yourself what I've come to love in the last years.
The course extends beyond teaching you new patterns. Throughout the chapters, I am going to help you create a framework for thinking about your practice and offer you tools to enhance your capacity to problem-solve and discover your creative potential, regardless of the field in which you might work. The creative athlete is a great friend of the artist, and you’ll find out why as you explore the material in the course.
In this course we will incorporate elements from athletics, dance, martial arts and general locomotion studies. We will cross the boundaries in between disciplines in search for a better understanding of our structure.
This course is part of the Large Online Teaching Projects created by Stefan Crainic & Josephine Haas. This series of courses are not available all the time on our website, however once purchased you get lifetime access to all course material and future updates.
Registration will remain open until March 1st.
What will we learn?
Footwork & Locomotion
Kicking Patterns & Coordination
The Elastic Body

Squats & Balance
Health & Longevity
Who is this course for?
This course is suitable for individuals at all levels and is tailored for:
Coaches and educators across all disciplines seeking to broaden their teaching repertoire and learn how to create environments that foster creativity, exploration, and autonomy for their students.
Professional dancers, martial artists, and athletes aiming to enhance their practice with greater playfulness while progressing towards their goals.
Rehabilitation practitioners who seek to deepen their understanding of the body through firsthand experience rather than solely through theoretical study. By gaining knowledge and direct experience of human movement beyond traditional learning environments, practitioners can broaden their understanding of applicable principles and develop personalized solutions for their patients.
The general public and curious movers who wish to expand their knowledge and comprehension of the body as a complex interconnected organism and expand their capacity for creative thinking and explorative behaviour.
What is included?
22 chapters - 400+ prerecorded lessons
Clear structured explanations and demonstrations of the patterns and tasks included.
4 live Zoom classes
During these sessions, we will start with an Q & A, discuss the course material, theories on motor development, creativity, movement principles, implications for practice and coaching, and philosophise about related subjects. Schedule will be announced via email in the following months.
Lifetime access to all materials (exception - zoom classes)
and any potential future updates.
Equipment Required:
Space Requirements: While the material can be explored within the confines of a room, utilizing other spaces such as athletic facilities, parks, or dance studios would enhance the overall experience.
Tools: Ensure you have the following items on hand:
2 elastic bands
Jenga blocks, chalk, or tape
A martial arts belt
From March 1st enrollment in the course will no longer be possible for undetermined period of time.
2-3 Months Split Payment Regulation
Each month, you’ll be charged a specific amount on the date of your first payment, depending on whether you choose the 2,3 or 4 instalment option:
2 instalments - €350 (2 months plan)
3 instalments - €233.33 (3 months plan)
4 instalments - €175 (4 months plan)
You’ll have immediate access to all course material. However, if you miss a payment, your access will be blocked until the payment is made.
For the 3 and 4 instalments split, please reach out to [email protected]
Course curriculum
Chapter 1: Health and Longevity
Articulating Feet
Variations on Knees and Hips Articualtion
Ideas On Further Exploration
Task 1 (Explanation): Multi - Angular Shifting Squat
Task 1 (Demonstration): Multi - Angular Shifting Squat
Task 2 (Explanation): Open Squat Transitions and Arms Integration
Task 2 (Demonstration): Open Squat Transitions and Arms Integration
Task 3 (Explanation): Low Squat Locomotion
Task 3 (Explanation): Pivoting and Spinning Variation
Task 3 (Demonstration): Low Squat Locomotion
Task 3 (Demonstration): Pivoting and Spinning Variation
Task 4 (Explanation): From Sitting to Squat
Task 4 (Demonstration): From Sitting To Squat 1
Task 4 (Demonstration): From Sitting To Squat 2
Chapter 2: Harnessing Biotensegrity
Part 1: Whole Body Squats, Spirals and Shaking Patterns
Part 2: Bouncing & Hopping & Jumping
Part 3: Bouncing Into High Jump & The Runner Jump
Additional Material: Ice Skater Jump, Touching Toes Lunge and Knee Up Jump (Explanation)
Bouncing Demonstration
Bouncing Into High Jump Demonstration
Runner Jump Demonstration
Ice Skater Jump Demonstration
Touching Toes Lunge Demonstration
Knee Up Jump Demonstration
Spiral Drop Squat Demonstration
Bouncing - Close Open Base Demonstration
Chapter 3: Harnessing Biotensegrity II
Task 1 (Explanation): Bouncing Squat Variation 1 & 2
Task 1 (Demonstration): Bouncing Squat Variation 1 & 2
Task 2 (Explanation): Bouncing Squat Accent Up
Task 2 (Demonstration): Bouncing Squat Accent Up
Task 2 Alternative (Explanation): Open Base Bouncing Squat - Multiple Bounces & Accent Up
Task 2 Alternative (Demonstration): Open Base Bouncing Squat - Multiple Bounces
Task 2 Alternative (Demonstration): Open Base Bouncing Squat - Accent Up
Task 3 (Explanation): Touching The Ground & Jumping
Task 3 Patterns (Demonstration 1): Touching The Ground & Jumping
Task 3 (Demonstration 2): Touching The Ground & Jumping (slow down/fast up)
Task 3 Patterns (Demonstration 3): Touching The Ground & Jumping (fast down/fast up)
Task 4 (Explanation): Shoot
Task 4 (Demonstration 1): Shoot
Task 4 (Demonstration 2): Shoot
Task 5 (Explanation): Bouncing Side to Side In Space - Coordinating Arms & Feet
Task 5 (Demonstration): Bouncing Side to Side In Space - Coordinating Arms & Feet
Task 5 (Demonstration 2): Bouncing Side to Side - Adding Jump
Chapter 4: On One Leg
Follow Along: From Small Articulation to Swings and Waves
Task 1 (Explanation): Exploring the space around the sanding legs
Task 1 (Demonstration): Exploring the space around the sanding legs
Task 2 (Explanation): Points In Space and Drawing Lines
Task 2 (Demonstration): Points In Space and Drawing Lines
Task 3 (Explanation): Balance Challenge
Task 3 (Demonstration): Balance Challenge
Chapter 5: On One Leg II
Follow Along 1: Circular Swings and Tapping Variations
Follow Along 2: Swings - Accent Down and Spiral
Follow Along 3: Twisted Swings and Twisting Standing Leg
Slow Motion Demonstration The Material Above
Task 1 (Explanation): Dynamic One Legged Squats (with and without support)
Task 1 (Demonstration): Dynamic One Legged Squats (with and without support)
Task 1 (Demonstration): Dynamic One Legged Squats - Forth/Back/Side Variation
Revisiting Tasks
Task 2 Variation 1/2/3 (Explanation): From Open Moving Squat to 1 Leg and Back
Task 2 Variation 2 (Demonstration): From Open Moving Squat to 1 Leg and Back Balance
Task 2 Variation 2 (Demonstration): From Open Moving Squat to 1 Leg and Back Fast
Task 2 Variation 2 (Demonstration): Touching The Ground
Task 3 (Explanation): Shifting Weight In Space - Low Squat
Task 3 (Demonstration): Shifting Weight In Space - Low Squat
Task 3 (Demonstration 2): Shifting Weight In Space - Low Squat
Chapter 6: Pattern Based Dynamic Flexibility
Part 1: Rotational and Twisting Whole Body Patterns
Part 2: Expanding, Squatting, Swinging Legs and Pendular Patterns Variations
Part 3: Rebound Stretch, Open Stance, Twisting Lunge, Diagonal Lunge, Spiral Squats
Part 4: Low Position Shifting Lunge Variations, Knee Kisses, Quads Stretch, Rolling Forth and Back
Part 5: The End
Chapter 6 Movements Library: Pattern Based Dynamic Flexibility
Deep Squat Spine Roll
Pendular Rebound 1 Leg Expansion
Rebound Leg Swings
Side to Side Progressive Leg Swings
Circular Side To Side Leg Swing
Touching Toes Elastic Diagonal Lunge
Dropping Arms Elastic Hamstring Stretch
Opening The Base
Twisting Lunge
Diagonal Spiral Lunge
Spiral Deep Squat
Spiral Deep Squat (Different Angle)
Shifting Weight In Low Lunge
Shifting Weight In Low Lunge Variation 2
Knees To The Ground (update)
Bent Knee Lunge
Rolling Back and Forth
Chapter 7: Tasked Based Dynamic Flexibility
Task 1 (Explanation): Navigating Freely & Transitioning - Downward/Upward Facing Dog and One Leg
Task 1 (Demonstration): Navigating Freely & Transitioning - Downward/Upward Facing Dog and One Leg
Task 2 (Explanation): Navigating Lunge Variations
Task 2 (Demonstration): Navigating Lunge Variations
Task 3 (Explanation): Navigating Deep Open Squats and Lunges - Integrating Arms
Task 3 (Demonstration): Navigating Deep Open Squats and Lunge - Integrating Arms
Task 4 (Explanation): Navigating Holding Leg Behind In Space Stretches
Task 4 (Demonstration): Navigating Holding Leg Behind In Space Stretches
Task 5 (Explanation): 1 Leg Into Squats and Lunge Variations
Task 5 (Demonstration): 1 Leg Into Squats and Lunge Variations
Task 6 (Explanation): Rhythmical Elastic Stretching - Shuffle Into Lunge Variations
Task 6 (Demonstration): Rhythmical Elastic Stretching - Shuffle Into Lunge Variations
Task 7 (Explanation): Navigating Low Positions
Task 7 (Demonstration): Navigating Low Positions
Task 8 (Explanation + Demonstration): Navigating 3 New Low Positions
Chapter 8: Swinging & Kicking Patterns
Introduction 2
Part 1: Warming Up With Whole Body Movements and Coordinative Patterns
Part 2: Circular Leg Swings & Elastic Windmill Toe Touch Coordination
Part 3: Diagonal Twisting Kick & Half Moon to Side Kick & Elastic Pendular Kick
Chapter 9: Kicking Patterns Fundametals - Straight Kicks
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Explanation): Variation 1 to 6
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 1 - Basic Footwork & Back Leg Frontal Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 2 - Front + Back Leg Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 3 - Step to Front Leg Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 4 - Shuffle Step + Front Leg Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 5 - Front Step + Back Leg Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Variation 2 - Shuffle Step + Back Leg Kick
Frontal Kick & Footwork (Demonstration): Improvisation - All Together
Roundhouse Kick Introduction
Roundhouse Kick (Explanation): Variation 1 to 6
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 1 - Front Leg
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 2 - Back Leg
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 3 - Elastic Looping
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 4 - Jumping Switch Kick
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 4 - Jumping Switch Kick (Slow Motion)
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 5 - Faint Kick
Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): All Together Improvisation
Side Kick (Explanation): Variation 1 to 6
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 1 - Shifting Weight
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 2 - Shuffle Step to Side Kick
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 3 - Half Turn Side Kick
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 4 - Back Half Turn to Side Kick
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 5 - Front Back Turn Footwork
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 5 - Front Back Turn to Side Kick
Side Kick (Demonstration): Variation 6 - Side to Side Levels
Side Kick (Demonstration): All Together Improvisation
Chapter 10: Kicking Patterns Fundamentals - Rotational Kicks
360 Roundhouse Kick (Explanation): Variation 1-2
360 Roundhouse Kick - Sideways Jumping Travel (Explanation) - Variation 3
360 Roundhouse Kick - Forward Jumping Travel (Explanation) - Variation 4
360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 1- Basic
360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 2 - Kick Switch
360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 3 - Sideways Jumping Travel
360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Variation 4 - Forward Jumping Travel
Armada (Explanation): Progression
Armada (Explanation): Clarifying
Armada (Demonstration): Progression - Twisting With and Without Break
Armada (Demonstration): Final Form
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Explanation): Progression
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Progression - Step 1
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Progression - Step 2
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Progression - Step 3
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Final Form
Parafuso/Jumping 360 Roundhouse Kick (Demonstration): Double/Triple Variation
Meia Lua de Compasso (Explanation): Progression
Meia Lua de Compasso (Demonstration): Progression - The Entrance
Meia Lua de Compasso (Demonstration): Variation 1 - Both Hands Down
Meia Lua de Compasso (Demonstration): Variation 2 - 1 Arm
Meia Lua de Compasso (Demonstration): Variation 3 - No Hands
Context Matters
Improvisation (Explanation): All Kicks and Footwork Together - The Dancer, The Athlete, The Martial Artist
Improvisation - Demonstration
Chapter 11: On Knees
Part 1 (Follow Along): Tuning In With Whole Body Patters: Waving, Twisting, Swinging, Pendulum and Moving Base
Part 2 (Follow Along): Knees - Circular Motions, Pumping, Waving Variations
Part 3 (Follow Along): Testing Knees in Deeper Ranges Through Complex Whole Body Movements (Stability, Coordination and Harmonic Organisation)
Talk: Understanding your boundaries and how far you want to expand - necessity, risk and what remains as the years pass.
Talk: Action Capabilities, Affordances and Knowing To Organise The Body in Unusual Positions
Task 1 (Explanation): Suspended Leaning Into Knees - To Squat Variations - Back To Standing
Task 1 (Demonstration): Suspended Leaning Into Knees - To Squat Variations - Back To Standing
Task 2 (Explanation): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - Variation 1 to 3
Task 2 (Demonstration): Footwork in Low Position - Moving In Space
Task 2 (Demonstration): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - No Ends Variation
Task 2 (Demonstration): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - Arms Swipe
Task 2 (Demonstration): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - Jump
Task 2 (Demonstration): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - Curving Through Space
Task 2 (Demonstration): Wrestling Inspired Lunges - All Together Improvisation
Task 3 (Explanation): Pumping & Waving
Task 3 (Explanation): Pumping & Waving
Chapter 12: Low Gate
Introduction 2
Shifting Weight, Twisting and Looking, Swinging Arms, Balancing and Swinging Leg - In Squat
Jumping Switch Squat (Explanation + Demonstration)
Walking Switch Squat (Explanation)
Walking Switch Squat (Demonstration)
Back Slide (Explanation + Demonstration)
Side Swipe (Explanation)
Side Swipe (Demonstration)
Task 1 (Explanation): Low Gate and Quadrupedal - Integrating Improvisation
Task 1 (Demonstration): Low Gate and Quadrupedal - Integrating
Task 2 (Explanation): Low Flow - Changing Direction
Task 2 (Demonstration): Low Flow - Changing Direction
Task 3 (Explanation): Transitioning In Between Sitting and Low Gate
Task 4 (Demonstration): Transitioning In Between Sitting and Low Gate
Task 4 (Explanation): Low Lunge and Tail Steps
Task 4 (Demonstration): Low Lunge Shifting Weight
Task 4 (Demonstration): Low Lunge and Tail Steps
Chapter 13: The Jumping Pattern
Task 1 (Explanation): Twisting and Small Jump With Accent
Task 1 (Demonstration): Twisting and Small Jump With Accent
Task 2 (Explanation): Twisting and High Jump
Task 2 (Demonstration): Twisting and High Jump
Task 3 (Explanation): Push Through Jump
Task 3 (Demonstration): Push Through Jump
Task 4 (Explanation): Touching Feet - Creating Shapes
Task 4 (Demonstration): Touching Feet - Creating Shapes
Task 5 (Explanation): From One Leg To Another In Space Long Jumps - Integrating Arms
Task 5 (Demonstration): From One Leg To Another In Space Long Jumps
Task 5 (Demonstration): Integrating Arms - Side to Side and Front Back Co-ordination
Task 6 (Explanation): From Stick - Into Circle
Task 6 (Demonstration): From Stick - Into Circle
Task 7 (Explanation): Turning Jump Inside The Circle
Task 7 (Demonstration): Turning Jump Inside The Circle
Task 8 (Explanation): From One Stick To Another Switching Legs
Task 8 (Demonstration): From One Stick To Another Switching Legs
Task 9 (Explanation): One Leg From Stick to Stick All Directions
Task 9 (Demonstration): One Leg From Stick to Stick All Directions
Task 10 (Explanation): Progressive One Leg Precision Jumps
Task 10 (Demonstration): Progressive One Leg Precision Jumps
Task 10 (Demonstration): Progressive One Leg Precision Jumps
Task 11 (Explanation): One Leg Side Jump From One Stick to Another
Task 11 (Demonstration): One Leg Side Jump From One Stick to Another
Task 12 (Explanation): One Leg Side Jump - Forth and Back
Task 12 (Demonstration): One Leg Side Jump - Forth and Back
Task 12 (Explanation): One Leg Side Jump - Forth and Back
Task 13 (Explanation): Frontal Long Jump
Task 13 (Demonstration): Frontal Long Jump - Open Base
Task 13 (Demonstration): Frontal Long Jump - Narrow Base
Task 14 (Explanation): From 2 Legs to 1 (With Sticks)
Task 14 (Demonstration): From 2 Legs to 1 (With Sticks)
Task 14 (Demonstration): From 2 Legs to 1 (With Sticks)
Chapter 14: Coordiantions 1
Sequence 1 (Explanation): Explaining The Patterns
Sequence 1 (Explanation): Full Sequence
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Arms Drop + Step Back
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Walking + Back Swing
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Back Arm Swing + Front Kick
Pattern 4 (Demonstration): Shuffle + Back Swing
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Shuffle + Back Swing + Side Kick
Sequence 1 (Demonstration): Full Sequence
Sequence 1 (Demonstration): Full Sequence Slow Motion
Sequence 2 (Explanation): Explaining The Patterns
Sequence 2 (Explanation): Full Sequence
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Diagonal Step Reaching Toes
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Shuffle Back + Diagonal Step
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Diagonal Step + Armada
Pattern 4 (Demonstration): Throw Above and Switch Sides
Sequence 2 (Demonstration): Full Sequence
Chapter 15: Coordinations 2
Sequence 1 - Explaining The Patterns
Explanation Full Sequence 1: Just Legs & Adding Arms
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Walking Scissors
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Switch Step
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Shuffle Back Swing
Sequence 1 Full (Demonstration)
Sequence 2 - Explaining The Patterns & Full Sequence
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Side-Side Arm Swings
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Side-Side-Back Arm Swings
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Side-Side-Back-Front Kick
Pattern 4 (Demonstration): Full Sequence
Task Explanation - Improvisation Based On All Sequences
Task Demonstration - Improvisation Based On All Sequences
Chapter 16: The Squat
How To Approach This Chapter
Task 1 (Explanation): Investigating the Organization of Weight Distribution in the Squat
Task 1 (Demonstration): Investigating the Organization of Weight Distribution in the Squat (Demonstration)
Pattern 1 (Explanation): Extended Backline Squat - Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Extended Backline Squat - Variation 1
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Extended Backline Squat - Variation 2
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Extended Backline Squat - Variation 3
Sequence 1 (Explanation): Rotational Extended Back Line Squat + Elastic Twist + Lunge
Sequence 1 (Demonstration): Rotational Extended Back Line Squat + Elastic Twist + Lunge
Pattern 2 (Explanation): Crossed Legs Sitting Squat
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Crossed Legs Sitting Squat
Pattern 3 (Explanation): Diagonal Lunge To Heel
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Diagonal Lunge To Heel - Variation 1
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Diagonal Lunge To Heel - Variation 2
Pattern 4 (Explanation): Spiral Squat
Pattern 4 (Demonstration): Spiral Squat
Task 2 (Explanation): Navigating Space with Spiral Squats
Task 2 (Demonstration): Navigating Space with Spiral Squats
Task 3 (Explanation): Elevated Squats
Task 3 (Demonstration): Elevated Squats
Pattern 5 (Explanation): Pendular Squat Progression
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Progression 1 - Rocking Motion
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Progression 2 - Pendular Squats No Arms Variation
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Progression 3 - Pendular Squats + Chopping Wood
Pattern 6 (Explanation): Rower Squat - Variation 1 & 2
Pattern 6 (Demonstration): Rower Squat - Variation 1 & 2
Sequence 2 (Explanation): Whirlwind Squat - Open-Armed Twist
Sequence 2 (Demonstration): Whirlwind Squat - Open-Armed Twist
Sequence 3 (Explanation): Open Squat + Cossack Squat
Sequence 3 (Demonstration): Open Squat + Cossack Squat
Task 4 (Explanation): Supported Irregular Sissy Squats
Task 4 (Demonstration): Supported Irregular Sissy Squats
Pattern 7 (Explanation): Waving Sissy Squat
Pattern 7 (Demonstration): Waving Sissy Squat
Task 5 (Explanation): Irregular 1 Leg Supported Squats
Task 5 (Demonstration): Irregular 1 Leg Supported Squats
Task 6 (Explanation): Irregular 1 Leg Squats
Task 6 (Demonstration): Irregular 1 Leg Squats
Task 6 (Explanation): Supported Dropping Irregular Squats
Task 6 (Demonstration): Supported Dropping Irregular Squats
Chapter 17: Footwork
Pattern 1 (Explanation): Alternative Front Back
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Alternative Front Back
Pattern 2 (Explanation): Shuffle Step - Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 2 (Demonstration): Shuffle Step - Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 3 (Explanation): Transitioning Taping Front and Behind
Pattern 3 (Demonstration): Transitioning Taping Front and Behind
Pattern 4 (Explanation): Twisting Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 4 (Demonstration): Twisting Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 5 (Explanation): Scissors Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Scissors - Athletic Variation & Dancer Variation
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Scissors Forth and Back Variation
Pattern 5 (Demonstration): Scissors Around Variation
Pattern 6 (Explanation): Back Step
Pattern 6 (Demonstration): Back Step Runner Variation & Dropping Arm Variation
Sequence 1 (Explanation): Back Step + Shuffle Step
Sequence 1 (Demonstration): Back Step + Shuffle Step
Pattern 7 (Explanation): Stepping Around + Shuffle
Pattern 7 (Demonstration): Stepping Around + Shuffle
Sequence 2 (Explanation): Diagonal Step, Pivot, Step Under
Sequence 2 (Demonstration): Diagonal Step, Pivot, Step Under
Cross Sequence 3 (Explanation)
Cross Sequence 3 (Demonstration)
Pattern 8 (Explanation): Off Axis Around and Around Variation 1 to 3
Pattern 8 (Demonstration) : Off Axis Around and Around
Pattern 8 (Demonstration) : Off Axis Around and Around + Turn
Pattern 8 (Demonstration) : Off Axis Around and Around + Inside Step Turn
Task (Explanation): The Pentagon Variation 1 & 2
Task (Explanation): The Pentagon Variation 1 - 1 Foot Inside
Task (Explanation): The Pentagon Variation 2 - Both Feet Inside
Task (Explanation): The Pentagon - All Together
Chapter 18: Improvising With Kicking Patterns
Task 1 (Explanation): Kick Into Low Flow
Task 1 (Demonstration): Kick Into Low Flow
Task 1 (Demonstration 2): Kick Into Low Flow
Task 2 (Explanation): Bouncing Front-Back - To Squat - Into Kicking Pattern
Task 2 (Demonstration): Bouncing Front-Back - To Squat - Into Kicking Pattern
Task 3 (Explanation): From Standing - To Kneeling - Into Kicking
Task 3 (Demonstration): From Standing - To Kneeling - Into Kicking
Task 3 (Demonstration 2): From Standing - To Kneeling - Into Kicking
Task 4 (Explanation): Running Into Kicking
Task 4 (Demonstration): Running Into Kicking
Chapter 19: On Feet
Task 1 (Explanation): Shifting Weight and Articulating Ankles - Variation 1 & 3
Task 1 (Demonstration): Shifting Weight and Articulating Ankles - On Spot
Task 1 (Explanation): Shifting Weight and Articulating Ankles - Moving Sideways
Task 1 (Explanation): Shifting Weight and Articulating Ankles - Accent Up
Task 2 (Explanation): Ankle Circles All Around
Task 2 (Demonstration): Ankle Circles All Around
Task 3 (Explanation): Toes And Ankle Walking Coordination Stretch
Task 3 (Demonstration): Toes And Ankle Walking Coordination Stretch
Task 4 (Explanation): Exploring All Around The Sole
Task 4 (Demonstration): Exploring All Around The Sole
Task 5 (Explanation): From Toes to Heels
Task 5 (Demonstration): From Toes to Heels
Task 6 (Explanation): Elevated
Task 6 (Demonstration): Elevated
Task 7 (Explanation): On One Leg - Ankle Circles All Positions
Task 7 (Demonstration): On One Leg - Ankle Circles All Positions
Task 8 (Explanation): Tapping Everywhere
Task 8 (Demonstration): Tapping Everywhere
Task 9 (Explanation): Shaking
Task 9 (Demonstration): Shaking
Chapter 20: Rhythmical Exploration of The Running Pattern
Task 1 (Explanation): Simple Running Pattern Coordiantion
Task 1 (Demonstration): Simple Running Pattern Coordiantion
Task 2 (Explanation): Double Hop
Task 2 (Demonstration): Double Hop
Task 2 (Explanation): Outward Bound Stride
Task 2 (Demonstration): Outward Bound Stride
Task 3 (Explanation): Twisted Reach Running Pattern
Task 3 (Demonstration): Twisted Reach Running Pattern
Task 4 (Explanation): Dynamic Weight Transfer Running Pattern
Task 4 (Demonstration): Reverse Lean Running Pattern - Progression 1
Task 4 (Demonstration): Heels to Glutes Running Pattern - Progression 2
Task 4 (Demonstration): Dynamic Weight Transfer Running Pattern
Task 5 (Explanation): Hand Swipe Running Pattern
Task 5 (Demonstration): Hand Swipe Running Pattern
Chapter 21: Soft Recovery
Part 1: From Feet to Knees
Part 2: Hips, Spine and Soft Squats
Part 3: Shoulders, Elbows, Spine and Hips
Part 4: Quadrupedal, Lying Down, Shaking and Stillness
Chapter 22: Harnessing Biotensegrity III: Elastic Bands - Rhythm and Coordination
How To Use This Chapter
Setting Up The Elastic Band (r)
Setting Up The Elastic Bands (Close Up)
Pattern 1 (Explanation): Circular Washing
Pattern 1 (Demonstration): Circular Washing
Task 1 (Explanation): Limb Loop Coordination
Task 1 (Demonstration): Alternative Arms Loop
Task 1 (Demonstration): Descending Alternative Arms Loop
Task 1 (Demonstration): Limb Loop Coordination
Integrated Whole-Body Movement
Task 2 (Explanation): Shuffle Step + Framing Legs
Task 2 (Demonstration): Shuffle Step + Framing Legs
Task 2 (Demonstration): Shuffle Step + Framing Legs (Side View)
Task 3 (Explanation): Arm Reach + Rear Kick - Variation 1 to 3
Task 3 (Demonstration): Scissors To 1 Leg (Variation 1)
Task 3 (Demonstration): Scissors To 1 Leg - Alternating Arms (Variation 2)
Task 3 (Demonstration): Arm Reach + Rear Kick - In Space (Variation 3)
Task 4 (Explanation): Overhead Throw Variation 1 to 3
Task 4 (Demonstration): Overhead Throw - Standing (Variation 1)
Task 4 (Demonstration): Overhead Throw - Close Feet (Variation 2)
Task 4 (Demonstration): Overhead Throw - Open Base (Variation 3)
Task 5 (Explanation): Running Pattern, Skipping Step and Running +Skipping
Task 5 (Demonstration): Running Pattern
Task 5 (Demonstration): Skipping
Task 5 (Demonstration): Running + Skipping
Task 6 (Explanation): Hopping
Task 6 (Demonstration): Hopping
Task 7 (Explanation): Twist Squats
Task 7 (Demonstration): Twist Squats Explanation
Task 8 (Explanation): Deep Squat Waves
Task 8 (Demonstration): Deep Squat Waves
What Brings Me Back